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Though some think of kindergarten as a year of play, in actuality kindergarteners work hard and learn a lot in a very short time. Teachers can no longer expect healthy 3 or 4-year-old children, with all their energy and enthusiasm, to sit at their desks or to be quiet all day.
Kindergarten gives children the opportunity to grow and develop through play -the way children learn the best. It is a time for children to expand their love of learning, build knowledge, develop their ability to get along with others, and explore ways of reaching out to the world.
Music will also be a part of the successful kindergarten classroom. Here in RRIS tiny tots will be singing and chanting songs, poems, and more. We feel so strongly about singing because it works!
• The classroom of our Kindergarten is enriched by an abundance of books, colorful paintings, words, letters, numbers, and other instructional aids.
• At times you would see the teacher meeting with small groups of students, addressing their individual needs.
• Above all, you can hear giggles coming from the little ones because they are having so much fun learning!
Come !! Have an idea of how our KG classrooms appear and how our kindergarten children enjoy their learning.

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